Top Tier Gasoline Detergent

Top Tier Gasoline Additive
CleanBoost TTG-5400 Additive will help keep clean and clean-up intake valves and injectors, which can result in:
"A fully scalable additive with EPA and TOP TIER™ certification"
Better fuel economy
Maximized power and peddle acceleration
Reduced emissions (tail pipe emissions)
Works in E5, E 10 and E20 ethanol fuels
Reduced combustion chamber deposit control
Demulsibility in bulk fuels for Fuel Jobbers
An "A" rating in corrosion protection
Low viscosity for easy handling and flow ability
Designed to control the unique deposit forming tendencies of DIG vehicles
–First intent product to meet the anticipated increase in ethanol concentration (E10+)
–Improved economics through:
Enhanced fluid carrier system
Unique detergent system designed for DIG engine platforms
Lower treat rates
OEM Vehicle Manufactures Requiring Top Tier Fuels:
GM (General Motors)
VW (Volkswagon)
Available for Fuel Jobbers, Fuel Distributors, Oil Companies Fuel Stations, Refineries and many others looking for Top Tier Gasoline for their customers. Call us today for more details and pricing.
Package Sizes: 55-gallon (205 liter drums) & 325-gallon (1230 liter totes)