Proactive Maintenance Solutions- Reduced Emissions using CleanBoost Products
Combustion Technologies is a private company located in the Sandy, Utah, specializing in fuel treatments, fuel filtration, engine bypass filtration products and services, focused on equipment performance and maintenance, coupled with measurable reductions in operating costs and emissions. Check out our CleanBoost and Combust Filter products.
We are the exclusive manufacturer of:
CleanBoost Fuel Treatments
CleanBoost Motor Oil
Combust Filtration Products
CleanBoost Specialty Lubricants
We Also Manufacture and Offer the following:
Fuel Additives for Retail/Bulk Fuel Jobbers
Winter & Summer Fuel Additives
Engine Metal Treatment
High Perrformance Engine Motor Oils
High-Temperature Greases
Engine Bypass Filtration
Combust Engine & Fuel Filtration
Fuel Polishing & Oil Filtration Carts
Custom Fuel Filtration Systems
Our Products/Services
CleanBoost Fuel Additives & Treatments
Fuel Additives for both Summer (Gold) & Winter (Sno-Cat)
EMT Specialty Lubricants & CleanBoost Oils
CleanBoost Brake Cleaner
Penetrating Lube Spray
Car Care Nano-Sheen
CBOA (CleanBoost Oil Absorbent)
Combust & Filtakleen Engine By-Pass Filtration
Fuel Polishing Carts
Fuel Filtration Systems
Turbine Oil Filtration Carts
Mining Filtration Carts
DNFT-Whitlock Products